Will Australia’s real Nazis please (goose) step forward
To say in Australia Nazis aren’t really what they seem would be an understatement.
Much like with coal, gas and uranium, Australia looks to have an inexhaustible supply of Nazis – Neo and Original Recipe - that over the years, were dutifully unearthed just in time it seems to satisfy the media’s insatiable demand for Hitler fanboys.
Like in October 2022, when three not-so-smart soccer hooligans thought it would be ‘hilarious’ to give ‘Fascist or ‘Nazi style’ salutes at an Australia Cup football final in Sydney between Sydney United and Macarthur Bulls.
Since Sydney United is mostly (but not exclusively) supported by Australians of Croatian heritage, sections of the media went into apoplexy, helped along by so-called anti-fascist groups like the White Rose Society and left-leaning journalists and self-styled ‘Nazi hunters’ who were calling for all form of sanction and fines to be applied.
Despite this incident being limited to three individuals with dubious street smarts out of a crowd of nearly 17,000, it was deemed so egregious and so problematic, that journalist-activists Ben Schneiders and Simone Koob writing in The Sydney Morning Herald / The Age decided this warranted (at the time of writing), a 6-part series of feature articles detailing the alleged ‘arm lifters’ ethnic origins and how their background, World War 2 Balkan history and political events from the 1970s in Australia proved this was a fascist wellspring rather than social media-inspired public narcissism.
As David Goldman wrote exactly 1 year ago: According to an article in the Australian Jewish News, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (JBD) and its CEO Darren Bark came out with all guns blazing, saying the displays at the Australia Cup final “were some of the ugliest scenes we have seen by spectators at a football game in our country”.
While it is true that many eastern European communities and some sports teams in Australia have struggled with far Right and even neo-Nazi sympathisers and symbolism, the response from the Board to one teenage boy (out of a crowd of some 16,500 spectators) doing an undoubtedly stupid and disgusting gesture seems a bit over the top considering this same body actively ignores - some would go as far to say covers up - real life Nazis literally marching right outside their front door.
Times Square - a swastika was spotted on the phone of a pro Palestinian supporter earlier today at a rally supporting Hamas in NYC. As history has shown us, the hatred that engulfs Jews never stops with Jews but rather, engulfs everything in its path.
From StopAntisemitism @StopAntisemites / X
Ditto in March this year during a women’s rights rally in Melbourne led by UK-based women’s rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – aka "Posie Parker" – where a group of somewhat perfectly-toned bike shorts-clad men turned up on cue as it were, complete with the obligatory Nazi salutes in front of Victoria’s State Parliament (and the plethora of TV cameras of course).
Despite Parker’s insistence the unwanted Lycra-clad gate crashers had anything to do with her or her rally and thus were unwelcome interlopers, the self-righteous condemnation from a myriad of groups including Equity Australia, the LGBTQI Alliance, The Greens, Melbourne Activist Legal Support, Southside Justice, and other so-called social justice warrior groups was nothing short of Banshee-like.
Anti-Semitism in action: Melbourne, November 9, 2023.
“We firmly denounce the specific hate speech and vilification that took place at the anti-trans hate rally held in Melbourne on March 18, 2023,” screeched a media release from the Victorian Greens.
So, after the horrific events in Israel on October 7 when over 1400 people were butchered the Islamist fascists also known as Hamas based solely on their Jewish background, one would expect these ‘anti-Nazi’ groups would be falling over each other to condemn the sheer stomach-churning barbarity of Hamas’ bestial acts.
Palestinian students have been photographed performing Nazi salutes. From https://www.cufi.org.uk/news/palestinian-students-photographed-performing-nazi-salute/
Instead, we got radio silence. We also got sickening pile-ons of anti-Semitism like that of Deputy leader of the Australian Greens Mehreen Faruqi, who just days after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, called the Australian government a 'disgrace' for showing support for Israel following the sickening Hamas terror attacks on innocent civilians.
Faruqi, who last year claimed that she suffered ‘insomnia and psychological distress’ over an alleged ‘racist’ tweet by Pauline Hanson, thought it prudent to re-upload an older picture of herself wearing a Palestinian headscarf while giving a victory salute a day after over 1000 people were slaughtered simply for their ethnic background – i.e. the quintessential definition of Nazism.
As the Australian Jewish News noted back in May, “Faruqi’s devotion to Palestinian human rights does not appear to extend to condemning Hamas – which violently cracks down against dissenters, arbitrarily arrests journalists, supports honour killings and criminalises homosexuality. Australia is proscribing the entirety of Hamas as a terrorist organisation – a decision not a single Greens MP welcomed or publicly supported.”
When on Monday, October 9, a pro-Hamas rally in front of the Sydney Opera House descended into chants of “Gas the Jews” – a sickening display of Nazi-like Jew hatred that was beamed all over the world - almost 50 years to the day of SOHs opening, the response from our ‘anti-Nazi’ cadres was Crickets. The Greens? Monastic-like silence. The White Rose Society? Gone fishing apparently.
Sydney, October 9, 2023 - Apparently screaming ‘Gas the Jews’ in public is not deemed as being sufficiently Nazi-like by the media to warrant further investigation. / X.
A quick background check would have validated Hamas’s Nazi-like street cred. Article 13 of the Hamas Charter notes: ‘There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer’, while Article 7 references a hadith (Islamic discourse) which states that Judgement Day would not come until the ‘Muslims fight and kill the Jews.’
Note that it says ‘kill the Jews’ – and not just Israelis. Most Jews do not live in Israel. What Hamas is saying here is that ‘all Jews wherever they live must be killed.” It is a call to global genocide.
Melbourne 13/10/2023 Source: X
Herr Hitler would have been proud. And so too it seems are our local ‘Nazi hunters’ at the SMH/AGE – who said the quiet part out loud - calling for the extermination of an entire race isn’t worthy of feature-length condemnation, however being a drunken lout at a football game requires multiples of column inches of confected outrage and pearl clutching.
It’s not just that the Left won’t condemn actual Nazism after claiming that it’s everywhere except in their pet causes, but when shown the folly of their own vanity and how the reality is the exact opposite, they go to inordinate lengths to deflect, deny, and deceive.
Like some of the reporting on the Sydney Opera House demonstration - it was only ‘a minority’ they claimed.
Unlike when teenage TikTokers or drunken soccer louts are involved, there seems little appetite in the mainstream press to do follow-up articles about those chanting ‘Gas the Jews” or the equally genocidal “From the River to the Sea”.
Over the years, teenage TikTokers or drunken soccer louts were sold to the Jewish community as a clear and present example of anti-Semitism, despite this having nothing at all to do with Judaism or Israel. / YouTube
Going back to the Greens and the ALP Left, the reasons why their fellow travellers can’t summon up the testosterone now looks a lot more insidious.
The reality is that those in the media who spent years claiming to ‘uncover’ Nazis under every rock and behind every moronic football hooligan were gaslighting all of us.
Over the years, teenage TikTokers or drunken soccer louts were sold to the Jewish community as a clear and present example of anti-Semitism, despite this having nothing at all to do with Judaism or Israel.
However, events of the past month both here in Australia and overseas have shown the real genocidal threat to the Jewish Diaspora was that which the media now refuses to name.
Source: X.
As Nazi supporters themselves, the Left and their media allies have perfected the art of deflecting from their own side and projecting their Nazi predilections onto others, despite the clearly genocidal rhetoric coming out of nearly all pro-Palestinian rallies.
The same side that decried the failure of the Voice referendum will lead to years of international pariah status for Australia seems patently oblivious to the fact that screams of ‘Gas the Jews’ at the Opera House will have an even worse affect.
The real Nazis are those who refuse to condemn the actions of Hamas while silently condoning the vile words of the supporters of Hamas in Australia.
What modern-day Nazis look like. Greens Senators staging a Parliamentary walkout over the Gaza situation. Source X.
The actual Nazis are those who forced politicians to ‘take the knee’ over the killing of career criminal George Floyd in the US while justifying the burning alive of grandmothers, children and even babies in Israel.
Souce: Quora / Washington Post
There are literal Nazis on our streets, but they are not from the Right, not by a longshot.
And they certainly do not live at soccer matches.
Some, like rabid conspiracy theorist Riccardo Bosi, a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant are from the right-wing , but he too mostly consists of brain fart sounds with little substance behind the bogan-like bravado.
Now in 2023, most Nazis, in fact all Nazis that are a living and present danger to Australia’s 130,000 Jews belong solely to the Left, an insidious and rabid Left that has become organised and radicalized, that is supported by swathes of the media and one that uses historical wrongs to excuse today’s atrocities, an act which in itself, is unequivocally evil.
The Left has now become what it has fought against - and there is no going back anymore.
By Branko Miletic