As neo-Nazis, SS goons & anti-Semites roam the streets, Australia’s Jewish leaders panic over rumours, ghosts, and teenagers
What a time to be alive! Not only have we moved just that little bit closer to World War 3 than we have been since the Cuban Missile crisis of 1961 thanks to Vladimir Putin, but now anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish hatred have been all but normalised in our everyday public discourse, more so than at any time since at least 1938.
How is this possible you may ask? As easy as pie is the answer, especially if you’re like the many Jewish leaders and media in Australia, whose aim it seems is to play charades with reality and Russian roulette with the safety of the community.
For example, last weekend on the streets of Sydney, according to, a demonstration was held by far Right supporters of Vladimir Putin, where conspiracy theorist Riccardo Bosi, a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant turned right-wing activist, said he was leading the protest for so as to “…cut off the head off the snake of the group that has been destroying this planet for generations”.
Riccardo Bosi, a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant turned right-wing activist with the head of Putin’s Night Wolves bikie gang, led by Serbian-Australian, Slobodan ‘Bobbi’ Sibic on the left, last weekend in Sydney. / Facebook
“They control this country [Australia] like they control everywhere else, and the Russians along with many other nations and many other militaries are actually fighting a subterranean war to exterminate vermin from the planet,” said Bosi, who was holding his demonstration with the head of Putin’s Night Wolves bikie gang, led by Serbian-Australian, Slobodan ‘Bobbi’ Sibic.
Conspiracy theorist Riccardo Bosi, a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant turned right-wing activist, said he was leading the protest for so as to “…cut off the head off the snake of the group that has been destroying this planet for generations”. YouTube
The ‘They’ being referred to here are Jews, and for those who may be unaware, the “Khazarian Mafia” refers to an old and tired anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that claims modern Eastern European Jews descended from a Turkic people known as the Khazars in the 9th century in what we now call Ukraine.
Bosi also allegedly refers to Jews as ‘vermin’. Herr Goebbels would be proud to say the least.
Riccardo Bosi’s campaign poster for the upcoming NSW state election in March 2023
Bosi, who is also running in the 2023 March NSW state election as an independent, claimed the Covid-19 pandemic was “just one part of a larger scheme to depopulate the planet”.
Head of Putin’s Night Wolves bikie gang, Slobodan ‘Bobbi’ Sibic, holding the Night Wolves flag with world #1 tennis player , Novak Djokovic in Melbourne, 2021. / Facebook
“We have been robbed, we have been raped, we have been killed for generations and the mandate directed by the government and enforced by the police and provided by big pharma have been exterminating people. It’s all part of the same plan [by the Jews],” says the rabid conspiracy theorist.
Now where have we heard this before?
But what we haven’t heard is a peep from the NSW Jewish Board (JBD) of Deputies.
This of course, should be of no surprise to anyone.
Nazis in the ranks
Victoria RSL head Dr. Robert Webster (left) awarding life membership to the Banjanin brothers, who were members of the SS-led Serbian Chetnik Nazi collaborationist Dinara Division.
For the past 44 years, the NSW JBD has also wilfully turned a blind eye to a military unit that collaborated with the Nazis during World War 2 that marches side-by-side with Australian veterans during the annual Anzac Day march held every April 25.
The unit in question is the Serbian Chetniks, that according to most official WW2 historical sources collaborated with the Nazis, and who’s surviving members surrendered to the Allies in 1945 and were interned by British forces as SEP’s - or ‘Surrendered Enemy Personnel’.
Making matters worse, on October 2, 2017, the Victorian branch of the RSL, which runs the ANZAC march bestowed Life Membership on two brothers, Toma and Marko Banjanin, who according to their own admission, were members of a World War Two Chetnik unit known as the Dinara Division, that was armed and supplied by Mussolini’s Italian fascists from April 1941, and then under direct German command from September 1943 to May 1945.
Chetniks with their German allies, 1942.
Known more for massacring and raping than its military prowess, as of late 1944, the Dinara Division combined with a rogues gallery of other Serbian Nazi collaborationist groups such as Dobroslav Jevđević's Chetniks, Ljotić's Serbian Volunteer Corps, and the remnants of Nazi quisling Milan Nedić's Serbian Shock Corps to form a single unit under the command of SS Leader Odilo Globocnik.
Chetniks with Germans (left) & Chetniks marching in ANZAC Day Melbourne, 2016 (right).
Nicknamed ‘The Worst Man in the World’, Globocnik was a sadistic SS officer that committed suicide shortly after his capture by British soldiers in May 1945. It has long been assumed that along with his accomplice Christian Wirth, Globocnik may have originated and suggested the concept of the extermination camp and industrialised murder to Heinrich Himmler.
Odilo Globocnik /
None of this bothers Victoria’s RSL, which in October 2017 decided that the two Banjanin brothers, both former members of the Dinara Division despite both publicly bragging for years about their roles as members of this bloodthirsty collaborationist Nazi-aligned unit, were worthy of being made Life Members of the RSL after they helped raise $1 million for the RSL’s charity drive.
I suppose you could say we’re all mates if we’re helping to rake in the cash, but for the record, no country on earth, not even the hyper-nationalist Republic of Serbia regards the Dinara Division (or the Chetniks in general for that matter) as being an Allied unit.
Making this situation even more absurd – if that’s even possible - in 2018, it was reported that a number of Chetnik RSL members in Australia formed alliances with neo-Nazi groups such as the Greek Golden Dawn, which was implicated in the Srebrenica Massacre, nationalist Russian Cossacks on ASIO watchlists and various local far-right extremists like Jim Saleam and Kim Vuga.
Chetnik RSL members in Australia formed alliances with neo-Nazi groups such as the Greek Golden Dawn, which was implicated in the Srebrenica Massacre, nationalist Russian Cossacks on ASIO watchlists / Facebook
And where was Australia’s Jewish community and media elite in all this?
MIA or Missing in Action, it seems.
Nazi costume party-gate
NSW Premier Domenic Perrottet wore a ‘Nazi-themed’ costume to his 21st birthday party in 2003 while still at university. / Image: Jewish Exponent
The question, begs, what do groups like the JBD, Australian Jewish news (AJN), the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and many other community groups actually do?
For starters, feigning outrage where it’s not needed is one answer. Two months ago, they got in a lather it seems over a 20-year-old rumour that NSW Premier Domenic Perrottet wore a ‘Nazi-themed’ (whatever that means) costume to his 21st birthday party in 2003 while still at university.
While Perrottet admitted and apologised for his actions from 20 years ago while he was a university student, Colin Rubenstein, the executive director of the Australia Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, could not help but publicly shame the NSW Premier. “Dominic Perrottet’s decision, as a 21-year-old, to wear a Nazi uniform as ‘fancy dress’ was not just poor judgment, but wrong and offensive,” said Rubenstein.
Remember this was 20 years ago at a fancy costume party from which oddly, no photo, eyewitness nor even credible source that will go on the public record has yet been found in order to properly verify this so-called ‘news story’.
It’s also amazing that no-one yet has tied in this ‘news’ story to the fact Perrottet only weeks earlier threatened the powerful NSW gambling lobby known as ClubsNSW and its multi-bilion dollar annual profits with a raft of new proposed anti-gambling laws. Apparently all this is a ‘coincidence’, that interestingly, has occurred a number of times in NSW before.
Source: YouTube
Not that this stopped the entire Australian media, NSW JBD and nearly every Jewish community group to rub their hands in self-sanctimonious glee while watching a man writhe and squirm over something he did at some drunken soiree decades earlier.
Scoring goals for the team
Sydney United 58 fans accused of making " a fascist salute or similar gesture", by Australian soccer aiuthorities. / Getty Images
In October 2022, during an Australia Cup soccer final between local Sydney teams Macarthur Rams and Sydney United 58, one spectator decided it would be a great idea to perform a Nazi salute in front of TV cameras.
As we reported at the time, according to the Australian Jewish News, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (JBD) and its CEO Darren Bark came out with all guns blazing, condemning the action of this spectator.
While the Australian FA issued a lifetime ban to this spectator (aged 19 according to some reports) for making "a fascist salute or similar gesture", we reported at the time, “for NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Darren Bark to then go on to claim the scenes at the Australia Cup final “were some of the ugliest scenes we have seen by spectators at a football game in our country” is sheer and utter nonsense and an over-the top over-reaction to a teenager probably acting on a dare or just out to ‘impress’ his friends.
Considering that bona fide Nazis, some even subsidised by Australian taxpayers, operate out in the open and extreme anti-Semites walk around Australia’s cities spewing horrid Jew hatred not seen since the 1930s, the fact we don’t hear a word of protest from either Mr Bark or the JBD is quite telling.
So, what’s the takeaway here?
While there is much to unpack, if Australia’s Jewish community leaders think its valid to waste time and resources to froth over teenagers making fools of themselves at soccer games or indulging in media bashing of a politician who did something silly two decades ago brings up questions of relevance as well as others concerning deflection.
These questions get ramped up to Defcon 4 – as Kanye West, that other famous anti-Semite would say when the same community leaders deliberately ignore what most would regard as being far more dangerous and egregious examples of Jew hatred.
Kanye West, the world’s famous anti-Semite. / Miami Student
While teenagers should be made to face the consequences of their actions, to then completely ignore vicious anti-Semites walking the streets of our major cities calling for the eradication of the Jews (or anyone else for that matter) is simply unforgiveable.
Most reasonable people would agree that what the NSW premier was alledged to have done 20 years ago was quite immature, but then in the same breadth to casually brush aside an SS-led, Yad Vashem-condemned unit marching alongside real WW2 veterans, some of whom also helped stop the Nazis thereby saving Jewish lives is nothing short of disgusting.
Sadly, all this is lost on the geniuses sitting atop Australia’s peak Jewish bodies.
And that’s where the main problem lies.
What a time to be alive indeed!
By David Goldman